C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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155 lines
19 Sept 84 Can send output to a file using
putc() or STDOUT using putchar().
3 Aug 84 Calling putchar() directly rather
than through cout().
10 Aug 83 changed back to &argcnt+i-1.
8 Aug 83 Changed addr of first arg to
&argcnt + i + 1.
#include iolib.h
#include printf1.h
#define NULL 0
#define ERR -1
int device;
** printf(controlstring, arg, arg, ...) or
** printf(file, controlstring, arg, arg, ...) -- formatted print
** operates as described by Kernighan & Ritchie
** only d, x, c, s, and u specs are supported.
printf(argcnt) int argcnt; {
int i, width, prec, preclen, len, *nxtarg;
char *ctl, *cx, c, right, str[7], *sptr, pad;
i = argc(); /* fetch arg count from A reg first */
nxtarg = &argcnt + i - 1;
ctl = device = *nxtarg;
if (device==(device&31)) /* *small* value must be device # */
else device=0;
while(c=*ctl++) {
if(c!='%') {_outc(c); continue;}
if(*ctl=='%') {_outc(*ctl++); continue;}
if(*cx=='-') {right=0; ++cx;} else right=1;
if(*cx=='0') {pad='0'; ++cx;} else pad=' ';
if((i=utoi(cx, &width)) >= 0) cx=cx+i; else continue;
if(*cx=='.') {
if((preclen=utoi(++cx, &prec)) >= 0) cx=cx+preclen;
else continue;
else preclen=0;
sptr=str; c=*cx++; i=*(--nxtarg);
if(c=='d') itod(i, str, 7);
else if(c=='x') itox(i, str, 7);
else if(c=='c') {str[0]=i; str[1]=NULL;}
else if(c=='s') sptr=i;
else if(c=='u') itou(i, str, 7);
else continue;
ctl=cx; /* accept conversion spec */
if(c!='s') while(*sptr==' ') ++sptr;
len=-1; while(sptr[++len]); /* get length */
if((c=='s')&(len>prec)&(preclen>0)) len=prec;
if(right) while(((width--)-len)>0) _outc(pad);
while(len) {_outc(*sptr++); --len; --width;}
while(((width--)-len)>0) _outc(pad);
** utoi -- convert unsigned decimal string to integer nbr
** returns field size, else ERR on error
utoi(decstr, nbr) char *decstr; int *nbr; {
int d,t; d=0;
while((*decstr>='0')&(*decstr<='9')) {
t=*nbr;t=(10*t) + (*decstr++ - '0');
if ((t>=0)&(*nbr<0)) return ERR;
d++; *nbr=t;
return d;
** itod -- convert nbr to signed decimal string of width sz
** right adjusted, blank filled; returns str
** if sz > 0 terminate with null byte
** if sz = 0 find end of string
** if sz < 0 use last byte for data
itod(nbr, str, sz) int nbr; char str[]; int sz; {
char sgn;
if(nbr<0) {nbr = -nbr; sgn='-';}
else sgn=' ';
if(sz>0) str[--sz]=NULL;
else if(sz<0) sz = -sz;
else while(str[sz]!=NULL) ++sz;
while(sz) {
if((nbr=nbr/10)==0) break;
if(sz) str[--sz]=sgn;
while(sz>0) str[--sz]=' ';
return str;
** itou -- convert nbr to unsigned decimal string of width sz
** right adjusted, blank filled; returns str
** if sz > 0 terminate with null byte
** if sz = 0 find end of string
** if sz < 0 use last byte for data
itou(nbr, str, sz) int nbr; char str[]; int sz; {
int lowbit;
if(sz>0) str[--sz]=NULL;
else if(sz<0) sz = -sz;
else while(str[sz]!=NULL) ++sz;
while(sz) {
nbr=(nbr>>1)&32767; /* divide by 2 */
if((nbr=nbr/5)==0) break;
while(sz) str[--sz]=' ';
return str;
** itox -- converts nbr to hex string of length sz
** right adjusted and blank filled, returns str
** if sz > 0 terminate with null byte
** if sz = 0 find end of string
** if sz < 0 use last byte for data
itox(nbr, str, sz) int nbr; char str[]; int sz; {
int digit, offset;
if(sz>0) str[--sz]=NULL;
else if(sz<0) sz = -sz;
else while(str[sz]!=NULL) ++sz;
while(sz) {
digit=nbr&15; nbr=(nbr>>4)&4095;
if(digit<10) offset=48; else offset=55;
if(nbr==0) break;
while(sz) str[--sz]=' ';
return str;
_outc(c) char c;
{ if(device) putc(c,device);
else putchar(c);